The Da Vinci Science Center’s Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) initiative has garnered national attention and federal funding through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
With the support of a two-year grant from IMLS entitled “Building a Community Ecosystem to Support Women in Science and Engineering,” the Da Vinci Science Center partnered with area colleges, universities, community organizations, and YOU, to identify how the community can develop programs and services that address the needs of area women and girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields.
We continue to expand our successful WISE program and partner with community organizations, colleges, and universities to enhance the STEM learning and support ecosystem for women and girls in the Lehigh Valley and surrounding communities in eastern Pennsylvania through five key activities.

Assess the needs of K-12 girls, undergraduate women, and women in STEM employment and map opportunities for cross-sector collaborations to support girls and women in STEM. Completed as of June 2019
Identify marketing and recruitment messages that encourage STEM-interested girls and women to participate in programs and follow developmental pathways within a STEM learning ecosystem. Completed as of March 2019
Pilot and evaluate new STEM programs for girls and for women, based on identified needs and messages, and target programs to create developmental pathways and enhance the STEM learning ecosystem. Ongoing
Train educators and WISE mentors, and disseminate marketing messages and curriculum materials, to scale up opportunities for girls and women and increase capacity to sustain a STEM learning ecosystem. Ongoing
Expand the WISE mentoring network to support more women entering or engaged in the STEM professions and increase cross-sector coordination of programs in support of girls and women. Ongoing